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Faculty Vacation Benefits Policy, Personnel Policies, SIUE, II-1
- Faculty Holding Academic Year Appointments
- Members of the faculty of Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville who hold 9-month, academic appointments shall not be eligible to accrued vacation benefits.
- Faculty Holding Fiscal Year Appointments
- Vacation for faculty employees on fiscal appointments shall be granted at a rate of 2-1/12 days per month of service, or 25 work days per year.
- An employee may accrue up to two years vacation credit (50 work days), but no additional accumulation will be credited to his/her account if a two-year maximum is maintained.
- Holidays recognized by the University are not chargeable against vacation.
- All accrued vacation must be taken prior to a leave of absence without pay being granted.
- Employees may not be granted anticipated but unearned vacation credits.
- Part-time fiscal appointments shall earn and accrue vacation in accordance with the proportionate rate of the contract.
- Lump sum payment of accrued vacation will be made to the employee or his/her estate at the time of resignation or death.