- Appointments to Positions of Employment
- All appointments to positions of employment shall be made in the name of the Board as the employer.
- All appointments are subject to applicable Federal and State laws. All supervisors of other employees shall keep themselves informed of the currently applicable laws. Adherence to both the letter and spirit of all civil rights laws is required.
- No person who is related within the third degree of consanguinity or is the spouse of a current member of the Board shall be appointed to the faculty or professional staff other than by consecutive renewal of a pre-existing contract. Such relatives include parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, and offspring.
- Creation of Positions and Approval or Ratification of Appointments, Tenure, and Leaves
- The creation of a position of employment reporting directly to the Board of Trustees and the appointment of a person to any such position requires Board of Trustees approval.
- The creation by the President of a position of employment which is within two reporting levels of the President, but which is neither under the jurisdiction of a Chancellor nor a part-time term, Civil Service or student appointment, requires the approval of the Board prior to its public announcement; the appointment to any such position is tentative pending ratification by the Board.
- The creation by a Chancellor of a position of employment which is within two reporting levels of a Chancellor or which reports directly to a Vice Chancellor, but is not a part-time term, Civil Service or student appointment, requires the approval of the President prior to its public announcement; the appointment to any such position is tentative pending ratification by the President, and by the Board (if required under e-1).
- Final action on employment administration for the Universities' employees is delegated to the Chancellors except as otherwise provided by Board policy. Final action on employment administration for employees of the Office of the President is delegated to the President except as otherwise provided by Board policy.
- The following personnel actions are also tentative pending ratification by the Board:
- Continuing appointments of faculty and professional staff.
- The grant of academic tenure.
- The grant of a leave with pay.
- A tentative appointment is an appointment made by an executive officer pending ratification by the Board or the President or both. A tentative appointment will expire if it has not been ratified, as required, as of the close of the day of the second Board meeting following the inception of the appointment, unless extraordinary circumstances have been demonstrated to and certified by the President. No reappointment of the same individual may then be made without prior Board approval, unless extraordinary circumstances have been demonstrated to and certified by the President.