Several departmental graduate assistantships are available to some psychology students who are admitted. Also available to psychology students are assistantships administered by other SIUE departments and offices. These assistantships are posted here. Each year, many first-year students obtain assistantships somewhere on campus, although some of the interviewing and hiring does not occur until late summer. Students who receive assistantships from the Department of Psychology or another SIUE department get a stipend and tuition (but not fee) remission.
In 2014 and 2015, more than 90% of first-year graduate students obtained assistantships. Some of these assistantships were in the psychology department but others were in other SIUE departments. Note that although start dates for assistantships are almost always at the beginning of the fall semester, some SIUE departments do not begin hiring until July or August.
Students from underrepresented groups who have not yet been offered an assistantship should consider applying for the Graduate Scholar Award. The Graduate Scholar Award provides a tuition waiver for two academic terms, but not a stipend. The deadline for the Graduate Scholar Award is normally in March, but should be confirmed on the Graduate Scholar Award web page.