Because this program does not lead to an academic degree, formal entry into SIUE is not required for admission to this program. All application materials should be submitted directly to the ERTC. There is a $20 application fee. Enrollment is only offered in the fall semester (mid-August) and is limited to 35 students per academic year.
Individual student potential is considered when granting admission to the program. ERTC prefers to admit high school graduates or persons with a GED certificate. However, ERTC does admit some students, 18 or older, who are not high school graduates. After initial application, applicants are required to submit a written self-evaluation, two personal references, and academic transcripts.
ERTC requires that students remain in good academic standing by maintaining a cumulative 2.00 GPA (on a 4.00 scale) to remain in the program and to be eligible to complete an internship.