Payroll Tax Information
This information is intended for foreign-tax status employees, students, independent contractors, as well as departments that need assistance when making payment to foreign individuals. Guidance is provided to ensure SIUE's compliance with tax laws, regulations and reporting obligations. While this information does not cover all foreign individual tax situations, it covers transactions most common to the majority of foreign-tax status employees, students, and independent contractors. Please review the Foreign National NRA Tax Presentation.
Please note that SIUE cannot provide personal tax advice. We recommend that each individual consult with a personal tax preparation service for their specific personal tax questions.
Payroll staff in the Office of Human Resources will work with individuals to determine the proper tax status when they are not a U.S. Citizen or a Permanent Resident Alien. Payroll will assist with the appropriate forms and processes to comply with federal and state payroll tax withholding requirements.
If you are a department hosting a foreign speaker, please review Departmental Information. If you are an Employee, Student Worker or Graduate Assistant please review the Foreign National (NRA) Tax Process.
SIUE Employees who hold an H1B visa are taxed as U.S. residents and should contact the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, located in Rendleman Hall, Room 3102 for Immigration related questions or concerns.