Faculty Development Council Operating Papers
I. Membership
The Faculty Development Council shall consist of at least seven faculty members who are elected members of the Faculty Senate, the Coordinator of Excellence in Undergraduate Education (EUE), a representative from the Provost's Office charged with Faculty Development, a representative from the Information Technology Services, and other faculty development initiative representatives. The representative from the Provost's Office charged with Faculty Development and the Coordinator of EUE are not elected members of the Faculty Senate, they will be ex- officio members of the Faculty Development Council. Additional members will be selected by the FDC to represent Schools and Departments not represented on the FDC by faculty senators.
II. Officers
Members of the Faculty Development Council will recommend the name of a Chair to the President of the Faculty Senate. The Chair of the Council for each year shall be appointed at end of the previous academic year by the President of the Senate, in consultation with the President-Elect and Past-President, with the approval of the Faculty Senate. The Chair of the Council is a member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and will represent the work of FDC in that committee.
III. Powers and Functions
A. The FDC may appoint ad hoc committees as needed.
B. The Functions of the FDC shall be:
- To work with the Office of the Provost to develop and promote programs relating to faculty roles and responsibilities in the areas of teaching, scholarship, and service, such as the Fall Faculty Symposium, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning initiatives, and Faculty conversations.
- To serve as liaison to SIUE faculty to identify faculty development interests.
- To coordinate the dissemination of information of campus, state, and national initiatives concerning faculty roles and responsibilities.
- To encourage broad faculty involvement and open discussion within departments regarding faculty roles and responsibilities and coordinate these activities at college, school and university levels.
- To provide for the oversight of the Excellence in Undergraduate Education Program (EUE).
- To work in conjunction with the EUE Coordinator to develop program guidelines and review procedures, to conduct a periodic assessment of the EUE Program, and to advise the EUE Coordinator on other matters pertaining to EUE.
- The Committee shall also be responsible for conducting the review of EUE proposals and make recommendations to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on the allocation of EUE funds.
- The Teaching Excellence Awards Committee shall be a standing subcommittee of the Faculty Development Council.
a. The Chairperson of the Teaching Excellence Awards Committee shall be appointed by the chairperson of the Faculty Development Council with the approval of the majority of the Council.
b. The Teaching Excellence Awards Committee shall function according to the approved operating papers of the Teaching Excellence Awards Committee.
IV. Excellence in Undergraduate Education (EUE) Coordinator
A. The Coordinator of EUE shall be selected by the Provost based on the recommendation of the Faculty Development Council and approved by the Senate. Candidates shall be solicited through the normal personnel procedures of the University. The Coordinator shall serve a three-year term with an annual review by the Council. If the Council so decides, the term of office of the Coordinator may be terminated before three years. The Coordinator is eligible for an additional three-year term.
B. The Coordinator shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Faculty Development Council but shall not be a voting member of the Council.
C. The Coordinator is responsible for managing the EUE Program. The duties of the Coordinator shall be as follows:
- Keep all records of the EUE Program.
- Work with faculty, staff and students to develop proposals and facilitate the proposal process.
- Distribute proposals to FDC members in a timely fashion.
- Assist FDC's assessment of proposals.
- Handle all correspondence related to proposals and awardees.
- Submit reports, as necessary, to the Council, Senate President, and Provost.
V. Meetings
A. The Faculty Development Council shall meet regularly, at least once every month, during the academic year.
B. Special meetings may be called by the Chair as need indicates, or upon request of three members of the Council.
C. The agenda of meetings shall be established by the Chairperson according to the business that is referred to the Council by the Faculty Senate, the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate, its own committees, or by any of its members. Notice of the time, place, and agenda of all meetings of the Council shall be delivered to all members of the Council, and in compliance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act, made available to the public at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The agenda shall include reports from the representative from the Provost's Office charged with Faculty Development, EUE coordinator, and FDC task forces.
D. Quorum: A quorum shall consist of the physical presence of at least half of the total number of voting members of the Faculty Development Council. Members of the Faculty Development Council who wish to remotely attend Council meetings (e.g. by telephone or electronically) can only do so in a manner consistent with the Illinois Open Meetings Act, and with consent of the Chairperson.
E. A maximum of 15 minutes shall be allotted at the beginning of the meeting for public comment. No individual speaker shall be allowed to speak for more than 5 minutes.
VI. Voting
A. All members of the Faculty Development Council shall have the right to vote with the exception of ex-officio members.
B. Voting by proxy will conform to the rules applicable to voting in the Faculty Senate.
VII. Amendment Procedures
These Operating Papers may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Council members present provided that previous notice of the text of the amendment has been circulated to all members at least one week prior to the meeting at which it is considered, and provided that the Faculty Senate approves.
VIII. Reports
Minutes of Faculty Development Council meetings, after approval, shall be posted on the faculty governance website.
The Faculty Development Council shall file an annual report to the Faculty Senate at the end of each academic year.
FDC#01-20/21 approved by the Faculty Senate March 4, 2021
Approved by the Chancellor March 10, 2021
FDC#02-13/14 approved by the Faculty Senate May 1, 2014
Approved by the Chancellor June 2, 2014
FDC#01-12/13 Approved by the Faculty Senate May 2, 2013
Approved by the Chancellor May 10, 2013
Approved by Faculty Senate May 3, 2012
Approved by the Chancellor June 14, 2012
Revision 1/12/12
Approved by Faculty Senate May 4, 2006