Welfare and Governance Council Operating Papers
I. Membership
Faculty Representation: A committee consisting of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and Council Chairpersons shall appoint a minimum of nine (9) members from the Faculty Senate membership.
II. Officers
A. The Chairperson of the Welfare and Governance Council shall be appointed by the President, Past-President, and President-Elect of the Faculty Senate, with approval of the Faculty Senate.
B. The Secretary of the Council shall be appointed by the Chairperson with the approval of a majority of the Council.
III. Powers and Functions
A. The Powers and Functions of the Welfare and Governance Council are those established by the Faculty Senate Bylaws (Bylaw VI.I.2.a).
B. The Welfare and Governance Council is responsible for formulating and recommending to the Faculty Senate policy relating to the structure, functioning, and funding of the Southern Illinois University system and the organizational relationships among and between the Board of Trustees, the President, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, the School of Medicine, and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. On behalf of SIUE faculty (as defined in the Faculty Senate Constitution) not represented under a current labor contract, the Welfare and Governance Council shall concern itself with all policies for faculty evaluation, salary, promotions, tenure, leaves of absence, recruitment, employment, retraining, development, rights and responsibilities, general faculty benefits, discipline, severance, and grievances.
IV. Meetings
A. The Welfare and Governance Council shall meet at least once a month at the call of the Chairperson or by petition of at least one-third of the membership.
B. Agenda of Meetings
- The Chairperson shall prepare the agenda of meetings.
- Council members may place items on the agenda by request to the Chairperson.
- Notice of the time, place, and agenda of all meetings of the Council shall be delivered to all members of the Council, and in compliance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act, made available to the public at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
C. A quorum shall consist of the physical presence of at least half of the total number of voting members of the Welfare Council. Members of the Welfare and Governance Council who wish to remotely attend Council meetings (e.g., by telephone or electronically) can only do so in a manner consistent with the Illinois Open Meetings Act, and with consent of the Chairperson.
D. A maximum of 15 minutes shall be allotted at the beginning of the meeting for public comment. No individual speaker shall be allowed to speak for more than 5 minutes.
V. Standing Committees
A. Faculty Status Committee
- The Faculty Status Committee has the responsibility for review of the development of policies for faculty evaluation, promotion and tenure, recruitment, employment, discipline, severance and grievance, and to facilitate the activities of the subcommittees of the Faculty Status Committee. The Faculty Status Committee shall report to and make recommendations to the Welfare Council.
- The Chairperson of the Faculty Status Committee shall be appointed from among the members of the Council by the Council Chairperson with the approval of a majority of the Council.
- The Faculty Status Committee shall consist of additional members as approved by the Council.
- The Honorary Degree and Distinguished Service Awards Committee shall be a standing subcommittee of the Faculty Status Committee. This committee shall be constituted and shall operate as prescribed in Welfare Council Policy #5-75/76.
B. Faculty Benefits and Facilities Committee
- The Faculty Benefits and Facilities Committee has the responsibility for development of and review of policies for faculty salary, leaves of absence, retraining, development, rights and responsibilities, and general faculty benefits. This committee shall report to and make recommendations to the Welfare Council.
- The Chairperson of the Benefits and Facilities Committee shall be appointed from among the members of the Council by the Council Chairperson with the approval of a majority of the Council.
- The Faculty Benefits and Facilities Committee shall consist of additional members as approved by the Council.
C. Faculty Salary Equity Committee
- The Faculty Salary Equity Committee is responsible for managing the process of Salary Equity distribution, as provided for by the Operating Papers of the Faculty Salary Equity Committee.
- Annual Elections are to be held by February 1 for the following academic year. Notification of the newly elected members shall be given to the chair of the Welfare and Governance Council before the end of Spring semester.
- The Committee shall elect a chair for the following academic year at its last meeting of the Spring semester. Notification of the election of a chairperson shall be given to the chair of the Welfare and Governance Council before the end of the Spring semester.
- The Committee shall report to the Welfare and Governance Council at least once per semester in the Fall and Spring.
VI. Ad Hoc Committees
The Welfare and Governance Council Chairperson shall appoint ad hoc committees as the need arises, and may appoint such committees on his/her own initiative or at the direction of the Welfare and Governance Council. The selection of the Chairpersons of such committees may be made by the Chairperson of the Council, or at the discretion of the Council Chairperson, may be selected by members of the committee. The membership of any committee appointed shall be confirmed by the Welfare and Governance Council.
VII. Amendment Procedure
These operating papers may be amended by 2/3 vote of the Council members present provided that previous notice of the text of the amendment has been circulated to all members at least one week prior to the meeting at which it is considered, and provided that the Faculty Senate approved.
VIII. Reports
The Welfare and Governance Council shall file an annual report to the Faculty Senate at the end of each academic year.
WC#01-19/20 Approved by the Welfare Council 1/16/2020
Approved by the Faculty Senate 2/6/2020
WC#01-12/13 Approved by the Faculty Senate 4/4/2013
Approved by the Chancellor 5/1/2013
WC#01-11/12 Approved by Welfare Council 10/20/2011
WC#3-11/12 Approved by Welfare council 2/16/2012
Approved by the Faculty Senate 5/3/2012
Approved by the Chancellor 6/14/2012