Fire & Life Safety
Emergency Procedures
At SIUE, fire drills are conducted to educate building occupants and assist in the evaluation of emergency plans to identify potential issues with any building’s means of egress. The main reason to conduct a fire drill is to make building occupants aware of evacuation procedures in case of an emergency. SIUE has evacuation route maps posted on each floor. These show the location of exits, egress routes, fire extinguishers, fire alarm pull stations, areas of Rescue Assistance, accessible exits, and in-place tornado shelter areas. When in any work area, please locate and evaluate the evacuation route map. For any questions regarding evacuation maps, please contact EHS.
Individual Building Emergency Plans
There is an IBEP for each building at SIUE. An Individual Building Emergency Plan is an all-hazards plan designed to provide guidance to building occupants in the event of an emergency. Examples include tornados, gas leaks, bomb threats or active shooters. SIUE holds one emergency drill per year. For any questions, please call EHS.
Conducting Drills
The primary reason for conducting fire drills is to educate the building occupants about the evacuation procedures to follow in the event of an emergency that requires evacuation. It is easy for building occupants to overlook the features of a building in place to ensure their safety day-to-day. Most people will enter and leave buildings through the same entrance. Stairways and alternative exits might not be familiar to many occupants, even those who have worked in the same building for many years. In the event of an emergency, occupants might travel past emergency exits to get to the building entrance (exit) with which they are familiar. Evacuation drills provide an opportunity for occupants to locate and use alternative routes under nonthreatening conditions. This familiarity increases the probability of a successful evacuation during an actual emergency. Fire drills are required by code. They are conducted to educate building occupants, assist in the evaluation of emergency plans, and identify potential issues with the building’s means of egress.