Curriculum Council Operating Papers
I. Membership
The membership of the Curriculum Council will be determined in accord with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Faculty Senate (Bylaws VI, Section C.).
A. The Curriculum Council shall have representation distributed as follows:
1. Faculty Representation: The Executive Committee shall appoint to the Council a minimum of nine to twelve faculty (as defined by the Faculty Senate) representatives from among those elected by academic units. Terms of office shall be for one year, with annual reappointment by the Executive Committee.
2. Student Representation: Two students shall be appointed to the Council by the Student Senate for annual terms. Students must qualify for membership in the Student Senate. These representatives shall be voting members of the Council.
3. The following shall be ex-officio, voting members of the Council: the Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management, the University Registrar, the Director of Educational Outreach, the Director of Academic Advising, the Director of Learning Support Services, the Director of Assessment, the Director of General Education or their designated representatives, and the Chair of the General Education Committee. The following shall be ex-officio, non-voting member of the Council: Director of the Honors Program.
II. Officers
A. The Chairperson of the Curriculum Council for the coming year shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate Past-President, President, and President-Elect in accord with Faculty Senate Bylaws V, Section B. This appointment shall be submitted to the Faculty Senate for approval at the May meeting.
B. The Chairperson of the Curriculum Council shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
1. Convene and facilitate regular meetings of the Council
2. Appoint Chairs of the Academic Standards and Policies Committee; Undergraduate Courses Committee; Undergraduate Programs Committee; and ad hoc Committees with Council approval; appoint a Secretary of the Council and other officers, with approval of the Council.
3. With the Chair of the General Education Committee, identify and present to the Curriculum Council membership recommendations for this Committee.
4. Serve as member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee.
5. Serve as liaison for the Council to the University Governance Office, for purposes of: monitoring the progress of course/program change requests through the review and approval process; maintaining up to date Curriculum Council minutes and other documents on-line.
6. Attend and report regularly to the Faculty Senate on the work of the Council, including any items needing Senate review and/or action.
7. Maintain Curriculum Council records of course/program approval actions; amendments to Operating Papers; and other actions of Curriculum Council Committees.
8. Provide leadership to the Council in matters relevant to the Council's charge, consistent with the Council's powers and functions, described in Section III of the Curriculum Council Operating Papers.
C. The Secretary of the Council shall take minutes at all meetings of the Council and submit these minutes to the Chairperson for review.
III. Powers and Functions
A. The powers and functions of the Curriculum Council are those established by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Faculty Senate (Bylaws V, Section G). The Curriculum Council is responsible to the Faculty Senate for formulating and recommending policy on undergraduate curriculum (instructional programs, courses of study, definitions of certificates, diplomas, degrees, student entrance, retention and exit), for formulating and reviewing undergraduate curricular policy proposals, for reviewing the administration of all undergraduate curricular matters, and for conducting undergraduate program reviews. "Undergraduate" shall be defined as including both dental and continuing education students.
B. Illustrative of the matters within the jurisdiction of the Curriculum Council are the following:
1. Recommending policy on requirements for entrance, retention, and graduation for undergraduates.
2. Recommending policy on requirements for undergraduate majors and minors.
3. Recommending policy on adopting new programs or eliminating existing programs.
4. Recommending policy on grading students.
5. Recommending policy on accepting credit from other institutions or testing programs.
6. Recommending policy on advising undergraduates.
7. Recommending policy concerning the special problems that may arise with regard to teaching undergraduates at centers other than the main campus.
8. Maintaining a continuing review and evaluation of Continuing Education programs.
9. Maintaining a continuing review and evaluation of undergraduate programs and courses. The Curriculum Council shall review each program review committee's report. Once a committee report has been approved, the Council shall evaluate whether the program is in good standing, is flagged for priority review, or should have its enrollment suspended. A program is flagged for priority review when it has substantial areas of concern. The priority review will occur in a time and manner as determined by Illinois Board of Higher Education regulations. If the priority review does not show substantial improvement in the program, the Curriculum Council, in consultation with the Provost, can suspend enrollment.
10. Recommending policy regarding the University's Assessment Plan.
11. Participating in the selection of the Director of Assessment when a vacancy occurs and when the term of office of the incumbent Director is expiring.
12. Participating in the selection of the Director of General Education when a vacancy occurs and when the term of office of the incumbent Director is expiring.
IV. Meetings
A. The Curriculum Council shall normally meet the third Thursday of each month at 2:30 p.m. Special meetings will be called by the chairperson when deemed necessary.
B. A quorum shall consist of the physical presence of at least half of the total number of voting members of Curriculum Council. Members of the Curriculum Council who wish to remotely attend Council meetings (e.g., by telephone or electronically) can only do so in a manner consistent with the Illinois Open Meetings Act, and with consent of the Chairperson.
C. Agenda of Meetings
1. The chairperson shall prepare the agenda of meetings.
2. Council members may place items on the agenda by request to the chairperson.
3. Notice of the time, place and agenda of all meetings of the Council shall be delivered to all members of the Council, and in compliance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act, made available to the public at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
4. A maximum of 15 minutes shall be allotted at the end of the meeting for public comment. No individual speaker shall be allowed to speak for more than 5 minutes.
V. Standing Committees and Operations
A. Undergraduate Programs Committee (UPC)
1. The Chairperson of the Undergraduate Programs Committee shall be appointed from among the members of the Council by the Council Chairperson with the approval of a majority of the Council. The term of office shall be one year; the same chairperson may not serve more than three successive terms.
2. The Chairperson of the Undergraduate Programs Committee shall appoint at least five additional members to the Committee, ensuring a simple majority of faculty is always present.. These appointments shall be approved by a majority of the Council. The term of Committee members shall be one year; they may succeed themselves, but cannot hold more than three consecutive terms. However, a representative of the Registrar’s Office shall serve as an on-going ex officio member.
3. The Undergraduate Programs Committee has the responsibility to review proposals for modifications, additions or terminations of programs. The Committee shall forward such proposals to the Council, recommending either approval or disapproval. All proposals for changes in programs approved by the Council shall be forwarded to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee as policy recommendations.
4. The Undergraduate Programs Committee shall meet at the call of the Committee Chairperson.
5. Procedure of the Undergraduate Programs Committee shall be as follows:
a. University proposals related to curriculum changes that come to the Undergraduate Programs Committee shall be divided by the Chairperson into the following three classes:
(1) Class 1 - proposals for program modification that involve only minor changes such as wording of program titles or program description.
(2) Class 2 - proposals that request substantive changes in programs already in existence. Substantive changes include changes in credit hours, program content, and program requirements.
(3) Class 3 - proposals that request new programs, propose elimination of existing programs, and all proposals concerning additions or modifications that seem significantly to involve more than one College or School of the University, including interdisciplinary minors whose program requirements draw from more than one College/School.
b. The various classes shall then be handled as follows:
(1) Class 1 - The Committee Chairperson may approve them, or submit them to the Undergraduate Programs Committee for action.
(2) Class 2 - The Committee Chairperson may use campus mail, e-mail, and/or telephone conversations to determine whether a majority of the Committee approves the proposal in question, or submit such proposals at a meeting of the Undergraduate Programs Committee.
(3) Class 3 - The Committee Chairperson must submit such proposals to the Undergraduate Programs Committee at a meeting open to all University students, staff, and faculty. Whenever such a proposal is to be considered by the Undergraduate Programs Committee, the Chairperson shall give advance notice to Chairpersons of those departments whose proposals are to be considered.
6. Proposals that concern the addition of undergraduate programs shall be routed as follows:
a. Originated by the individual faculty members who desire to offer the program;
b. Approved by the Curriculum Committee of the Department;
c. Approved by the Curriculum Committee of the College or School;
d. Reviewed and approved by the Undergraduate Programs Committee of the Curriculum Council, as appropriate;
e. Reported to the Curriculum Council;
f. Reported to the Faculty Senate;
g. Forwarded to the Office of the Provost to be reviewed for conformance to institutional priorities and mission.
7. Justification for new programs: The proposal for each new program shall include the Form 92 and the New Program Request Form (required format for submission to Illinois Board of Higher Education) with statements providing rationale for the program, evidence of communication with other Departments, Colleges, or Schools that might be interested in the program, and evidence of collation or consultation with any other Colleges or Schools with which the program subject matter overlaps.
8. Proposals that concern the modification or termination of undergraduate programs shall be routed as follows:
a. Originated by the individual faculty members or department concerned;
b. Approved by the Curriculum Committee of the Department;
c. Approved by the Curriculum Committee of the College or School;
d. Reviewed and approved by the Undergraduate Programs Committee of the Curriculum Council, as appropriate;
e. Reported to the Curriculum Council;
f. Reported to the Faculty Senate;
g. Forwarded to the Office of the Provost for further review.
9. Justification for modified or terminated program: The proposal for each modified or terminated program should include the proper form, a Reasonable and Moderate Extension (RME) if necessary, a description of the program as modified, a listing of all changes, a list of associated Forms 90, and a rationale for the changes.
B. Undergraduate Courses Committee (UCC)
1. The Chairperson of the Undergraduate Courses Committee shall be appointed from the Council members by the Council Chairperson with the approval of a majority of the Council. The term of office shall be one year; the same chairperson may not serve more than three successive terms.
2. The Chairperson of the Undergraduate Courses Committee shall appoint at least five additional members to the Committee,, ensuring a simple majority of faculty is always present... Appointed faculty members need not be on the Curriculum Council. These appointments shall be approved by a majority of the Council. The term of Committee members shall be one year; they may succeed themselves, but cannot hold more than three consecutive terms. However, a representative of the Registrar’s Office shall serve as an on-going ex officio member.
3. The Undergraduate Courses Committee has the responsibility to review proposals for revision, additions, and terminations of undergraduate courses. The Committee shall act on these matters with the approval of the Curriculum Council, and call to the attention of the Council any proposed changes.
4. The Undergraduate Courses Committee shall meet at the call of the Committee Chair.
5. Procedures of the Undergraduate Courses Committee shall be as follows:
a. The primary responsibility of the Undergraduate Courses Committee is to review proposals for new courses (Form 90A) or experimental courses.
(1) Major modifications to courses (Form 90C), which require Undergraduate Courses Committee approval, include major change in course description, level of instruction, change in pre-or co- requisites, cross-listed course status, or other modifications that the Undergraduate Courses Committee Chair determines substantially change the course.
(2) Modifications to courses (Form 90C) that impact the status of the course with respect to the General Education requirements shall be forwarded to the General Education Committee.
(4) Modifications to courses (Form 90C) that impact a department's senior assignment shall be forwarded to the Committee on Assessment.
(5) Elimination of courses (Form 90B) requires consideration by the Undergraduate Courses Committee.
(6) Proposals to teach existing courses in the on-line format (Form 94) do not require consideration by the Curriculum Council or the Undergraduate Courses Committee.
b. The Committee Chairperson may call a meeting or may use campus mail, email, and/or telephone conversations to determine whether a majority of the committee approves the proposal in question.
6. Proposals that concern the addition, modification, or elimination of undergraduate courses shall be routed as follows:
a. Originated by the individual faculty members or department concerned;
b. Approved by the Curriculum Committee of the Department;
c. Approved by the Curriculum Committee of the College or School;
d. Reviewed and approved by the Undergraduate Courses Committee of the Curriculum Council, as appropriate;
e. Reported to the Curriculum Council;
f. Reported to the Faculty Senate;
g. Forwarded to the Office of the Provost for further review.
7. Justification for new courses:
a. The application for each new course shall include the Form 90A, a syllabus for the course, a short statement concerning the need for the course, evidence of communication with members of any other departments who might be interested in the course, and evidence of collation or consultation, if the course is cross-listed or if the subject matter is similar to, or possibly overlaps, that of another discipline.
b. Applications for course modifications require only the Form 90C, a syllabus for the course, and a brief statement justifying the change.
c. Applications to change an experimental course to a regular course must be accompanied by a brief statement concerning the success of the course and a description of the process used to evaluate it.
C. The General Education Committee
1. The voting members of the Committee shall be as follows: Nine faculty members, four from CAS, one from each of the other schools with a baccalaureate program, and one faculty member from Library and Information Services (staggered three-year terms). Two undergraduate students (one-year term), appointed by the Student Senate. The Director of General Education (or designated representative).
2. The non-voting members of the Committee (with indefinite terms) shall be as follows: the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (or delegated representative), the Director of Academic Advising (or delegated representative), the University Registrar (or delegated representative), the Director of Assessment (or delegated representative), the Associate Dean of CAS in charge of scheduling.
3. The method of selection of the faculty members of the Committee shall be as follows:
a. During the Spring term, the Dean of each School or College will appoint the required number of members and alternates.
b. The candidates shall be presented for confirmation by the Curriculum Council and the Senate at their April meetings.
c. For all faculty members, service on General Education Committee is for a three-year term commencing August 15th. Vacancies created in the middle of a term by resignation or inability to serve shall be filled by appointment of one of the designated alternates of the General Education Committee by the Chair of the General Education Committee until the following Spring Semester, at which time the vacancy shall be filled according to the procedure in 3. a.
4. During the Spring term, a voting member on the General Education Committee shall be designated Chair by the President of the Faculty Senate and the Chair of the Curriculum Council (whose terms begin in April of that Spring term). This selection shall be presented for confirmation by the Curriculum Council and the Senate at the same time as the slate of proposed new members of the General Education Committee. The Chair shall serve for one year and may succeed him/herself twice.
5. In meetings of the General Education Committee, the Chair shall only vote in case of a tie. The responsibilities of the Chair shall be as follows:
a. To serve as the official representative of General Education Committee as a voting member of the Curriculum Council;
b. To call meetings of the Committee (at least once per term) for the timely consideration of such matters as shall have been submitted to it;
c. To enact the Committee's oversight (see below) of the General Education Program;
6. A Secretary of the General Education Committee shall be appointed by the Chair from among the membership of the General Education Committee. The secretary shall serve for one year, and shall have the following responsibilities:
a. To keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the General Education Committee;
b. To assist the Governance Office in the maintenance of the records of the General Education Committee's activities.
7. The General Education Committee shall meet at the call of its Chairperson. A quorum of the Committee shall be six (6)-voting members, including the Chairperson.
8.The General Education Committee bears the primary responsibility for maintaining and developing the General Education Program at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Its responsibilities include the following:
a. To review proposals for additions, terminations, and modification of all general education courses and requirements.
b. To review proposed modifications in the General Education program and/or requirements, and to recommend them as appropriate.
c. To advise the Director of General Education concerning scheduling and content of General Education courses, and to recommend changes in the scheduling or content of courses where appropriate.
d. To advise the Director of General Education about the need for additional courses.
e. To consider requests from students concerning general education requirements.
f. To consider any other matters that the General Education Committee believes essential to the continued success of General Education at the University, and to recommend appropriate actions.
g. To place any General Education course or requirements that the General Education Committee deems deficient in satisfying the goals established for the relevant General Education components on probationary status for one year. If the department or unit is unable to make satisfactory amendments to the course, project, or activity, the General Education Committee, in consultation with the Provost and Director of General Education, has the authority to remove the course, project, or activity from the General Education Program.
9. All decisions of the General Education Committee are subject to review and approval by the Curriculum Council.
10. Procedures of the General Education Committee shall be as follows:
a. All proposals for the addition of general education courses shall be circulated to members one week prior to the meeting at which it is considered.
b. Representatives of the proposing Department(s), College or School(s) shall be invited to meet with the General Education Committee during the discussion portion of deliberations relating to their proposal and respond to proposed modifications.
11. Requests to propose, modify, or delete general education courses shall be routed in the following sequence:
a. Originated by the individual faculty members who desire to teach the course (or by departments in cases where the General Education Committee has requested the course);
b. Approved by the Curriculum Committee(s) of the Department(s) involved;
c. Approved by the Curriculum Committee(s) of the College or School(s) involved;
d. Reviewed and approved by the General Education Committee, as appropriate (IS courses cannot be considered by the General Education Committee until the course is approved by at least two different departments within the College of Arts and Sciences, by CAS and one other School, or by two different Schools);
e. Reported to the Curriculum Council;
f. Reported to the Faculty Senate;
g. Forwarded to the Office of the Provost for further review.
12. The General Education Committee shall have responsibility for the continuing review of the General Education program. Responsibilities include:
a. To begin a continuous review of the General Education program starting three years after students matriculate under any requirement of the new General Education program approved by the Faculty Senate in 2007-2008. The review shall be done annually in such a way that it is completed at the end of five years, when the review process shall begin again.
b. To review, in a manner determined by the Curriculum Council, the General Education program on an annual basis, with "Foundations" courses to be reviewed in the first year, "Breadth" courses in the second and third years, and "Interdisciplinary Studies" courses along with other general education requirements in the fourth year. The fifth year in the cycle shall be devoted to reviewing the entire program from a holistic and comprehensive perspective. Each year, the Committee may be augmented with additional members as needed to help with the review. These members shall be eligible to vote on Committee decisions and will serve one-year terms. They may succeed themselves, but cannot hold more than three consecutive terms.
c. To place all courses that are not re-approved in the General Education Committee's annual review on probationary status. Departments will have one year to address satisfactorily the Committee's concerns; otherwise, such courses will be removed from the lists of courses approved for General Education credit.
d. To prepare materials in support of both the annual review of undergraduate education reported through the Resource Allocation and Management Program (RAMP) process and any special reviews of General Education that the University shall undertake.
e. To participate with the Office of Institutional Research and Studies in any regular inventories it conducts that shall result in data pertinent to the evaluation of the General Education Program.
D. Academic Standards and Policies Committee
1. The Chairperson of the Academic Standards and Policies Committee shall be appointed from the Council members by the Council Chairperson with the approval of the majority of the Council. The term of office shall be for one year; Chairpersons may succeed themselves, but cannot serve more than three successive terms.
2. The Chairperson of Academic Standards and Policies Committee shall appoint at least three additional members to the Committee, ensuring a simple majority of faculty is always present.... These appointments shall be approved by a majority of the Council. The term of office shall be one year; the same member may not serve more than three successive terms. However, a representative of the Registrar’s Office shall serve as an on-going ex officio member.
3. The Chairperson of the Academic Standards and Policies Committee shall serve as a liaison to other committees within the University, which deal with academic standards and policies (for example, Graduate Council, Special Task Forces, Textbook Services Advisory Committee).
4. The Academic Standards and Policies Committee has the following responsibilities: to review existing standards and policies (such as grading, suspension, admission, adding and dropping classes); to recommend changes in existing standards and policies for the purpose of improving the quality of instruction.
E. Graduation Appeals Committee (GA)
1. A member of the University Registrar's staff shall serve as the non-voting Chairperson of the Graduation Appeals Committee.
2. In addition to the Chairperson, the Committee shall include three members of the faculty appointed annually by the Committee Chairperson and approved by the Curriculum Council. Committee members may succeed themselves, but may not serve for more than three consecutive terms.
3. For liaison purposes, a member of the Curriculum Council shall be appointed by the Chair of the Curriculum Council to serve as a non-voting member of the Graduation Appeals Committee. This appointment is for three years; reappointment is permitted.
4. The Graduation Appeals Committee shall hear appeals from undergraduate students who seek exceptions to the University general graduation requirements in order to graduate, and shall render decisions in such cases.
5. The Graduation Appeals Committee shall report to the Curriculum Council annually, via the Curriculum Council liaison.
F. Director of Assessment
1. The Director of Assessment shall be selected and approved by the Provost, only from among those names submitted by a Search Advisory Committee. The Search Advisory Committee shall consist of five faculty members, including the Committee Chairperson, appointed by the Curriculum Council in consultation with the Provost. The Search Advisory Committee shall submit the names of at least two acceptable applicants to the Provost, or meet with the Provost if it determines that fewer than two applicants are acceptable to the Committee. The term of office of the Director of Assessment shall be three years and the Director may serve no more than three successive terms. The Director is eligible for reappointment by the Provost pending recommendation from the Curriculum Council.
2. The Director shall serve as an ad hoc member of the Curriculum Council and shall be a voting member of the Council.
3. The Director is responsible for reviewing undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs, including their courses. The Director is responsible for making recommendations to the Curriculum Council on the basis of such reviews. The Director is also responsible for assisting the Committee on Assessment in implementing the Assessment Plan.
4. Regarding the program review process, the duties of the Director shall be:
a. Direct program review for the purpose of assessing program quality and identifying areas that need improvement.
b. Prepare the necessary instruments for obtaining data from the program director, the faculty, current students, and recent graduates.
c. Set the timetable and deadlines for completion of reviews.
d. Select members for review committees.
e. Conduct orientation meetings for program review committees.
f. Meet with program director and faculty of departments being reviewed to discuss review process and outline steps for completing a self-study.
g. Work closely with program directors to ensure maximum departmental involvement in the review process.
h. Screen and hire applicants for graduate assistants and/or student workers.
i. Supervise activities of graduate assistants and/or student workers.
j. Serve as a liaison between reviewers and programs under review.
k. Set up schedule for interviews of faculty and students in cooperation with the program director.
l. Reproduce and distribute completed departmental self-studies to review committees.
m. Direct the completion of program review reports from the review committees.
n. Present completed reports to the Curriculum Council for approval.
o. Submit reports to the Provost for review and action, as necessary.
p. Serve as liaison to the Office of the Provost.
q. Work in consultation with the Curriculum Council, the Committee on Assessment, the General Education Committee, and the Director of General Education to coordinate the assessment of the General Education Program.
5. The Director is responsible for assisting the Committee on Assessment in implementing the SIUE Assessment Plan. The duties of the Director shall be to serve as ex-officio member of the Committee on Assessment, and to assist the Committee on Assessment in its charge.
G. Committee on Assessment
1. The functions of the Committee on Assessment include:
a. Implementing the University Assessment Plan.
b. Making further policy recommendations that may arise in the implementation process to the Curriculum Council.
c. Maintaining the Assessment and Senior Assignment Programs.
d. Approving undergraduate program assessment plans.
e. Approving changes to undergraduate program assessment plans and/or related courses.
f. Making recommendations to the Curriculum Council as warranted by the findings of assessment activities.
g. Consulting with the Director of General Education, Director of Assessment, and the Office of the Provost regarding general education assessment.
2. Membership
a. Members of the Committee on Assessment shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate in consultation with the Provost.
b. The Committee on Assessment shall be constituted of eight faculty members, one of whom will be a liaison from the Curriculum Council; two undergraduate students, and one representative from each of the following: the Office of Institutional Research, the Director of Assessment, the Associate Provost for Academic Planning, Assessment, and Accreditation, Learning Support Services, and the Academic Deans.
c. Appointments to the Committee shall normally be for three-year terms; reappointment is permitted for a maximum of three successive terms. All members of the Committee are voting members.
d. The Chairperson of the Committee shall be appointed from among the Committee membership, by the Faculty Senate President in consultation with the Provost. The term of office as Chairperson shall be one year; reappointment of the same individual to additional terms is permitted indefinitely.
H. Director of General Education
1. The Director of General Education shall be selected and approved by the Provost, only from among those names submitted by a Search Advisory Committee. The Search Advisory Committee shall consist of five faculty members, including the Committee Chairperson, appointed by the Curriculum Council in consultation with the Provost. The Search Advisory Committee shall submit the names of at least two acceptable applicants to the Provost, or meet with the Provost if it determines that fewer than two applicants are acceptable to the Committee. The term of office of the Director of General Education shall be three years and the Director may serve no more than three successive terms. The Director is eligible for reappointment by the Provost pending recommendation from the Curriculum Council.
2. The Director shall serve as a voting member of the Curriculum Council and the General Education Committee.
3. The Director has administrative responsibility for the effective functioning of the General Education program, including the First Semester Transition Course and IS courses, to ensure high quality offerings and achievement of purpose.
4. The Director shall communicate to departments the need for additional courses deemed necessary to the General Education curriculum.
5. The Director shall assist and advise the General Education Committee in their work.
6. The Director will work, in consultation with the Curriculum Council, the Committee on Assessment, the General Education Committee, and the Director of Assessment, to coordinate the assessment of the General Education program
VI. Ad Hoc Committees
The Chair of the Council may from time to time create ad hoc committees with the approval of the Council. The nature of the Committees, their duties, estimated life, and the voting status of the Chairpersons of these committees shall all be subject to approval by the Council.
VII. Amendment Recommendations
Recommended amendments to the Operating Papers may be made by two-thirds of Council members present and are subject to approval by the Faculty Senate. Previous notice of the proposed amendment(s) must have been circulated to members one week prior to the meeting at which it is considered.
Approved by the Faculty Senate May 2, 2019
Approved by the Interim Chancellor November 20, 2015
Approved by Faculty Senate October 1, 2015 (CC#01-15/16)
Approved by the Chancellor December 16, 2013
Approved by Faculty Senate November 7, 2013 (CC#20-13/14)
Approved by the Chancellor January 24, 2013
Approved by Faculty Senate December 6, 2012 (CC#11-12/13)
Approved by Curriculum Council 01/20/11
Approved by Faculty Senate 03/03/11
Approved by the Chancellor 05/20/11